Local Control Accountability Plan


    What is an LCAP?

    “The LCAP is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities. The LCAP provides an opportunity for local educational agencies (LEAs) to share their stories of how, what, and why programs and services are selected to meet their local needs.” -CDE LCAP Webpage



    What is the purpose of the plan? 

    • The story of Helix and LCAP development (student population, location, stakeholder input)
    • Overarching district goals in alignment with state priorities
    • The amount of supplemental and concentrated funding Helix receives to support unduplicated students (English learner, socioeconomically disadvantaged, foster youth)
    • What services we are providing to our unduplicated students, what research supports those services and how we will measure their effectiveness
    • How those LCAP services will increase the quality or quantity of supports for unduplicated students
    • How the previous year’s LCAP funds were spent


    What are our LCAP Goals for 2024-2025?

    Through educational partners' input from surveys and community input, along with the work of our leadership team, Helix identified the following areas for continuous improvement. The 2024-25 LCAP will focus on the following:



    1. Safe and Supportive Environment: Develop a Safe and Supportive Environment that Supports Social Emotional Wellness, Good Citizenship and a Healthy Lifestyle
    2. Close the Achievement Gap Through Focus on Equity Practices,  Effective Collaboration and Innovative Practices


    1. Academic Rigor:  Sustain a High Performing Academic Culture that Equips Students to Reach Personal and Academic Potential
    2. Expanded School: Continue Opportunities for Expanded Student Learning: Career Technical Education, Community College Dual Enrollment, College and Career Outreach, and other innovative educational programs.


    1. 21st Century Technology: Maintain Systematically Integrated Technology in Helix Culture
    2. Parent and Community Integration: Maintain Parent/Community Partnerships Expanding Helix as a Community Support Center


    Helix Charter High School's 2023-2024 Local Control Accountability Plan:

    The California School Dashboard identifies strengths, areas for improvement and student groups that may need additional support. It includes state measures that apply to all schools and student groups, and are based on data that is collected consistently across the state. It also includes local measures that apply at the school level, and are based on data collected at the local level.


    We care what you think! Please consider completing our LCAP Input Survey form.