Special Education & School Psychologists
Mid/Moderate needs:
Co-Taught Collaborative Classes
Study Skills Support Class
General Education Courses
Extensive Support Needs (formerly Mod/Severe):
Specialized Academic Instruction in English, Math, Language Development, Transition Fundamentals and Self-Help Skills
Focus on Functional Life Skills Curriculum to earn a Certificate of Completion
Inclusion in General Education Courses as appropriate per IEP
Peer Mentor support
Extracurricular activities
all students:
Academic Support
Extended Learning - ExL (9) & Helix First (9)
Academic Support (10-12)
Before & After School Tutorials (9-12)
Social Emotional Support
Grade Level Teams
Wellness Center with 4 licensed Social Workers meeting with students and providing small group support
Therapy Dog
Diploma-bound Students in Special Education:
Opting for a Helix Charter High School diploma may meet these requirements through one of the following:
General Education course completion and/or General Education course completion with modifications.
General Education course completion, and/or General Education course completion with modifications, and/or Special Education course completion as long as one of the following minimum competency levels are met for both English-Language Arts and Mathematics.
English-Language Arts Minimum Competency:
A non-modified grade of “C” or better through any of the following:
English 2C, 4C, 6C, 8C (or equivalent)
EAP score of “Exempt” or “Conditionally Exempt”
Mathematics Minimum Competency:
A non-modified grade of “C” or better through any of the following:
Algebra 1C-2, Geometry 1C-2, Algebra 2C-2
EAP score of “Exempt” or “Conditionally Exempt”
Certificate-bound Students in Special Education:
Opting for a Helix Charter High School Certificate of Completion must complete 220 credits in General Education and/or Special Education courses.
Our Team
Brianna Wuensch
Old Admin Building
Special Education